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Marketing Case Studies


In March 2020, Pima Community College moved its in-person classes to remote learning, a traumatic move for many faculty and students. However, the College also had a dedicated online learning platform called PimaOnline. Sensing we could grow enrollment in PimaOnline even if enrollment declined in remote or virtual classes, we launched a multi-state digital campaign promoting 4 key programs: Cybersecurity, Business, Liberal Arts and Post-Baccalaureate Teaching Certification.


  • Paid search

  • Organic search

  • Digital Marketing

  • Retargeting

  • A/B Testing

  • Social Media Marketing

  • Landing pages

  • RFI forms


  • 1,200+ requests for information

  • 9.6 million impressions

  • 42,000 ad clicks

  • 30 percent increase in enrollment 

Individual Campaigns

Specific Programs and/or Audience

Analyzing programs and prospective student audiences, we built small campaigns with very specific targets. The goal was to achieve maximum impact with minimal expense.

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Massage Therapy

The Therapeutic Massage program received a grant to help increase awareness of the courses offered by Pima Community College by targeting non-traditional students, in this case males.

Messaging: Online classes with an in-person internship, range of work opportunities from hospitals to sports settings, affordability.

1 month campaign; cross platform digital


Impressions: 959,538

Clicks: 6,311

Click through rate: .66% (above .22% Google benchmark.)

New users to Pima's Massage Therapy Page: 3,758

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High School Graduation Ceremonies

This was an exclusively geofencing effort that took place at each area high school graduation ceremony. The objective was to take advantage of a captive audience likely on their digital devices at a time they had education on their minds. Ads targeted both students and parents.

The campaign was conducted at 10 graduation ceremonies.


Impressions: 669,312

Clicks: 1,949

Click through rate: .29% (above .22% Google benchmark.)

Users reaching campaign landing page: 1,349

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Applied Not Enrolled

This campaign targeted students who had applied to Pima Community College but didn't enroll.  It targeted specific households and tracked mobile device IDs to see they visited one of the college's campuses.

There were two targeted lists: Applied and took no other action and applied and took placement tests.


Impressions: 897,721

Clicks: 1,464

Click through rate: .17%

New users to land page: 1,122

Ad viewers coming to campus: 1,120

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